2024/2025coautor publicación científicaMarcelo Gonzalo Lizama VeraParticipa en calidad de coautor en publicación científica "Volatile Cues from Fresh Cattle Dung Can Drive Horn Fly Egg-Laying and Fecal Attraction to Horn Flies, Haematobia irritans (Diptera: Muscidae) 2023/2024Flours from microwave-treated buckwheat grains improve the physical properties and nutritional quality of gluten-free breadAinhoa Vicente FernándezVicente, Ainhoa, Villanueva, Marina, Caballero, Pedro A., Lazaridou, Athina, Biliaderis, Costas . G., & Ronda, Felicidad. Flours from microwave-treated buckwheat grains improve the physical properties and nutritional quality of gluten-free bread. En: Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, v.149, 109644. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/J.FOODHYD.2023.109644 Microwave treatment enhances the physical and sensory quality of quinoa-enriched gluten-free breadAinhoa Vicente FernándezVicente, A., Villanueva, M., Caballero, P. A., Lazaridou, A., Biliaderis, C. G., & Ronda, F. (2024). Microwave treatment enhances the physical and sensory quality of quinoa-enriched gluten-free bread. Food Hydrocolloids, 155, 110244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2024.110244 Microwave-treated rice flour halves the need of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose in the formulation of gluten-free breadAinhoa Vicente FernándezVillanueva, Marina, Vicente, Ainhoa, Náthia-Neves, Grazielle, & Ronda, Felicidad. Microwave-treated rice flour halves the need of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose in the formulation of gluten-free bread. En: Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, v.150, 109738. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2024.109738 Uncaria tomentosa-loaded chitosan oligomers-hydroxyapatite-carbon nitride nanocarriers for postharvest fruit protectionAlberto Santiago AlisteLA REVOLUCIÓN DE LA NANOTECNOLOGÍA EN LA AGRICULTURAAlberto Santiago AlisteAgricultura Urbana, un camino para enfrentar nuevos retos: Estudio de caso de la ciudad de Palencia.Ana Maria Bartolome SualdeaPublicación en revista MDPI Foods (2)Angel Luis Gutierrez De la FuentePhysicochemical, Hydration and Steady Shear Rheological Properties of Flours Derived From Different Crop Residues From the Honduran AgroFood IndustryCaleb Samir Calix RiveraPhysicochemical, Hydration and Steady Shear Rheological Properties of Flours Derived From Different Crop Residues From the Honduran AgroFood Industry Suitability of Flours and Gels From Crops Affected by Climate Change in Honduras: Crystallinity, Thermal, Dynamic Rheological and Textural BehaviorCaleb Samir Calix RiveraSuitability of Flours and Gels From Crops Affected by Climate Change in Honduras: Crystallinity, Thermal, Dynamic Rheological and Textural Behavior Microwave radiation induces modifications in the protein fractions of tef flours and modulates their derived techno-functional propertiesCaleb Samir Calix RiveraMicrowave radiation induces modifications in the protein fractions of tef flours and modulates their derived techno-functional properties 2ª PUBLICACIÓN REVISTA INTERNACIONALDavid del Bosque FernandezEnvironmental Consequences of Shelf Life Extension: Conventional versus Active Packaging for Fresh-Cut SaladsDiana Alexandra Murcia VelascoMurcia Velasco, Diana Alexandra. Environmental Consequences of Shelf Life Extension: Conventional versus Active Packaging for Fresh-Cut Salads. En: "Agronomy - Sustainability Practices to Improve the Agri-Food Chains",2023, v. 13(11), 2749; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13112749 Structural and dynamic evaluation of a test bench for mechanical vibrations using finite elementsDiana Carolina Polania MontielMartinez Palmeth1, Luis. Ardila Marin, Juan. Polania Montiel, Diana. Structural and dynamic evaluation of a test bench for mechanical vibrations using finite elements. En: International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 2024, v.7, nº 3, pp 1205-1215. DOI: 10.53894/ijirss.v7i3.3217 DENSITY AND YIELD OF RICE (ORYZA SATIVA L.) CROP COMPARING TWO SOWING METHODS WITH SATELLITE MONITORINGDiana Carolina Polania MontielEn estado de revisión para publicación en: Ardila Marín1, Juan, Polania Montiel, Diana. Navas Gracia, Luis. Castillo Coronado, Jordan. Acosta Vargas, Jean. Density and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Crop comparing two sowing methods with satellite monitoring. En: Sarhad Journal of Agriculture. Cultivo de Arroz (Oryza Sativa L.) con Nitrógeno de Liberación Controlada: Investigación Desarrollada en la Granja Experimental de la Universidad Surcolombiana (Palermo,Huila)Diana Carolina Polania MontielAcosta Vargas, Jean. Ardila Marín, Juan. Polanía Montiel, Diana. Cultivo de Arroz (Oryza Sativa L.) con Nitrógeno de Liberación Controlada: Investigación Desarrollada en la Granja Experimental de la Universidad Surcolombiana (Palermo,Huila). República de Moldavia. Eliva Press, 2024. ISBN: 978-9999319614 Evaluación del rendimiento de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) comparando dos métodos de preparación de suelosDiana Carolina Polania MontielCastillo Coronado, Jordan. Polanía Montiel, Diana. Ardila Marín, Juan. Evaluación del rendimiento de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) comparando dos métodos de preparación de suelo. En: Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental, 2024, v.15, n° 2, pp 91 - 112. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22490/21456453.6886 Qualidade do solo eo índice de vegetação na cultura de arrozirrigado (Oryza sativa L.)em Huila, ColômbiaDiana Carolina Polania MontielEn estado de revisión para publicación en: Arévalo Hernández, John. Medeiros de Oliveira, Eduardo. Araujo e Silva Ferraz, Gabriel. Polanía Montiel, Diana. Liscano Solano, Anggy. Naves Silva, Marx. Qualidade do solo eo índice de vegetação na cultura de arrozirrigado (Oryza sativa L.)em Huila, Colômbia. En: Geoderma Regional. Exploring the Impacts of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Germination on the Flours Nutritional, Chemical, Bioactive, and Technological Properties. In: Foods.Diogo SalvatiSalvati, Diogo. Paschoalinotto, Beatriz Helena. Mandim, Felipa. Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R. Steinmacher, Nádia Cristiane. Pereira, Carla & Dias, Maria Ines. Exploring the Impacts of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Germination on the Flours Nutritional, Chemical, Bioactive, and Technological Properties. In: Foods, 2024, 13(3), 491. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods13030491 Article AGRONOMY: !Prediction of Daily Ambient Temperature and Its Hourly Estimation Using Artificial Neural Networks in Urban Allotment Gardens and an Urban Park in Valladolid, Castilla y León, Spain!Francisco Tomatis EstradaOptimizing Screw Speed and Barrel Temperature for Textural and Nutritional Improvement of Soy-Based High-Moisture ExtrudatesGabriela Da Conceiçao Ribeiro EsperançaPublicación en revista Foods. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods13111748 Análisis de sorbato y benzoato en jugos de aloe vera mediante espectrofotometro UV-VISIgnacio Hernandez JimenezEn escritura, pendiente revisión del mismo departamento quimica analitica UVA Principales problemas y soluciones para el aprovechamiento industrial de frutas procesadas con HPP (High Pressure Processing).Ignacio Hernandez JimenezPendiente de envío a revista Effects of Different Types of Artificial Light on the Phytochemicals of Lactuca sativa L. Var. Great Lakes 118 Cultivated under Aeroponic SystemLuisa Fernanda Lozano CastellanosLight Energy Efficiency in Lettuce Crop: Structural Indoor Designs SimulationLuisa Fernanda Lozano CastellanosBUENAS PRÁCTICAS PREVENTIVAS Y DE EXTINCIÓN DE INCENDIOS. Estrategia participativa en actividades agrícolas, ganaderas y forestalesMaria Gonzalez OrtegaISBN 978-84-09-46920-8 Publicación de articulo científico: Understanding the influence of the arabinoxylan-rich psyllium (Plantago ovata) husk on dough elasticity and bread staling: Interplay between biopolymer and water dynamics"María Franco MarcosUnderstanding the influence of the arabinoxylan-rich psyllium (Plantago ovata) husk on dough elasticity and bread staling: Interplay between biopolymer and water dynamics" https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2024.110099 Articulo cientificoOscar Leonardo García NavarreteAutores: Oscar Leonardo García-Navarrete, Correa-Guimaraes Adriana and Luis Manuel Navas-Gracia Titulo: Application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in weed detection and identification: Systematic review, Revista: Agriculture. Año: 2024. Articulo aceptado. Articulo cientificoOscar Leonardo García NavarreteAutores: Oscar Leonardo García-Navarrete, Oscar Santamaria-Becerril, Pablo Martin-Ramos, Miguel Ángel Valen-zuela-Mahecha and Luis Manuel Navas-Gracia Titulo: Development of a detection system for types of weeds in maize (Zea mays L.) under greenhouse conditions using the YOLOv5 v7.0 model, Revista: Agriculture. Año: 2023. Articulo aceptado. Governance structures and stakeholders involvement in Urban Agricultural projects: an analysis of four case studies in FranceOuiam Fatiha BoukhartaArticle published in Agonomy JournalOuiam Fatiha BoukhartaPhysicochemical Characterisation of Seeds, Oil and Defatted Cake of Three Hempseed Varieties Cultivated in SpainRito Jose Mendoza PerezPublicación del articulo científico Physicochemical Characterisation of Seeds, Oil and Defatted Cake of Three Hempseed Varieties Cultivated in Spain.Rito Jose Mendoza PerezEl articulo ha sido aceptado. Hasta la fecha (05/02/2024) está en fase de edición. Physicochemical, Hydration and Steady Shear Rheological Properties of Flours Derived From Different Crop Residues From the Honduran Agro- Food IndustryRito Jose Mendoza PerezSeptember 2023Revista Bionatura 8(3):34 DOI: 10.21931/RB/2023.08.03.34. LA AGRICULTURA FRENTE AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO EN ÁFRICA OCCIDENTAL los efectos positivos de la agroecología Samuel Apuri, Dileyni Díaz De Oleo, Luis Manuel Navas-Gracia, Pablo Martín-Ramos y Adriana Correa-Guimaraes (Publication pending)Samuel ApuriLA AGRICULTURA FRENTE AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO EN ÁFRICA OCCIDENTAL los efectos positivos de la agroecología Samuel Apuri, Dileyni Díaz De Oleo, Luis Manuel Navas-Gracia, Pablo Martín-Ramos y Adriana Correa-Guimaraes (Publication pending) Publicación en Libro de AbstractsTamara Sanchez GomezPublicación Trabajo Final de Máster - Capítulo LibroTamara Sanchez Gomezhttps://doi.org/10.14201/0LP0043 Publicación - Artículo - Forest Ecology and ManagementTamara Sanchez GomezPublicación - Review - Biocatalysis and Agricultural BiotechnologyTamara Sanchez GomezPublicación - Artículo - Biological ControlTamara Sanchez GomezCharacterization of a Fermented Beverage from Discarded Bread Flour Using Two Commercial Probiotics StartersTeresa Sigüenza Andres2022/2023Microwave Modification of Quinoa Grains at Constant and Varying Water Content Modulates Changes in Structural and Physico-Chemical Properties of the Resulting FloursAinhoa Vicente FernándezArtículo: Vicente, Ainhoa; Villanueva, Marina; Caballero, Pedro Antonio; Muñoz, Jose María; Ronda, Felicidad. Microwave Modification of Quinoa Grains at Constant and Varying Water Content Modulates Changes in Structural and Physico-Chemical Properties of the Resulting Flours. En: Foods, 2023, v.12(7), 1421. DOI: 10.3390/foods12071421 Buckwheat grains treated with microwave radiation: Impact on the techno-functional, thermal, structural, and rheological properties of flourAinhoa Vicente FernándezArtículo: Vicente, Ainhoa; Villanueva, Marina; Caballero, Pedro Antonio; Muñoz, Jose María; Ronda, Felicidad. Buckwheat grains treated with microwave radiation: Impact on the techno-functional, thermal, structural, and rheological properties of flour. En: Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, v.137, 108328. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2022.108328 F,O,S-Codoped Graphitic Carbon Nitride as an Efficient Photocatalyst for the Synthesis of Benzoxazoles and BenzimidazolesAlberto Santiago AlisteCatalysts 2023, 13, 385. Multifunctional Nanocarriers Based on Chitosan Oligomers and Graphitic Carbon Nitride AssemblyAlberto Santiago AlisteCharacterization of Leptoglossus occidentalis Eggs and Egg GlueAlberto Santiago AlistePublicación en revista MDPI FoodsAngel Luis Gutierrez De la FuenteVela, A.J., Villanueva, M., Li, C., Náthia-Neves, G., Ronda, F. (2023). Impact of solubilized substances on the techno-functional, pasting and rheological properties of ultrasound-modified rice, tef, corn and quinoa flours. Foods, 12 (3), 484. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12030484Antonio José Vela CoronaVela, A.J., Villanueva, M., Li, C., Hamaker, B., Ronda, F. (2023). Ultrasound treatment of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] flour rupture starch α-(1,4) bonds and fragment amylose with modification of gelatinization properties. LWT Food Science and Technology, 174, 114463. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2023.114463Antonio José Vela Corona"Use of Bio-Waste of Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil. (Yerba mate) to Obtain an Extract Rich in Phenolic Compounds with "Use of Bio-Waste of Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil. (Yerba mate) to Obtain an Extract Rich in Phenolic Compounds with Preservative Potential"Bárbara Sena Nunes Menezes"Use of Bio-Waste of Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil. (Yerba mate) to Obtain an Extract Rich in Phenolic Compounds with Preservative Potential" Changes on Techno-Functional, Thermal, Rheological, and Microstructural Properties of Tef Flours Induced by Microwave RadiationDevelopment of New Improved Gluten-Free IngredientsCaleb Samir Calix RiveraPublicación del artículo titulado: Changes on Techno-Functional, Thermal, Rheological, and Microstructural Properties of Tef Flours Induced by Microwave RadiationDevelopment of New Improved Gluten-Free Ingredients https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12061345 Effect of rice flour ultrafine particle size on β-glucanase inactivation by microwave treatments and pasting properties in treated floursCaleb Samir Calix RiveraPublicación titulada: Effect of rice flour ultrafine particle size on β-glucanase inactivation by microwave treatments and pasting properties in treated flours Lipase Inactivation Kinetics of Tef Flour with Microwave Radiation and Impact on the Rheological Properties of the Gels Made from Treated FlourCaleb Samir Calix RiveraPublicación titulada: Lipase Inactivation Kinetics of Tef Flour with Microwave Radiation and Impact on the Rheological Properties of the Gels Made from Treated Flour. Publicación en revista internacional FOODS, catalagoda como Q1. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11193013Carlos Martin LoberaBread as a Valuable Raw Material in Craft Ale Beer Brewing. https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/11/19/3013 PUBLICACIÓN REVISTA INTERNACIONALDavid del Bosque FernandezEvaluation of the Sustainability of a Prototype for Atmospheric Ammonia Capture from Swine Farms Using Gas-Permeable Membrane TechnologyDiana Alexandra Murcia VelascoSantiago-Aliste, A.; Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Buzón-Durán, L.; Marcos-Robles, J.L.; Martín-Gil, J.; Martín-Ramos, P. Uncaria tomentosa-Loaded Chitosan OligomersHydroxyapatiteCarbon Nitride Nanocarriers for Postharvest Fruit Protection. Agronomy 2023, 13, 2189. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13092189.Eva Sanchez HernandezSánchez-Hernández, E.; Martín-Ramos, P.; Niño-Sánchez, J.; Diez-Hermano, S.; Álvarez-Taboada, F.; Pérez-García, R.; Santiago-Aliste, A.; Martín-Gil, J.; Diez-Casero, J.J. Characterization of Leptoglossus occidentalis Eggs and Egg Glue. Insects 2023, 14, 396. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects14040396.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Sánchez-Hernández, E.; González-García, V.; Martín-Gil, J.; Lorenzo-Vidal, B.; Palacio-Bielsa, A.; Martín-Ramos, P. Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Activity of Taxus baccata L. against Pectobacterium spp. and Dickeya chrysanthemi. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 201. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae9020201.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Álvarez-Martínez, J.; González-García, V.; Casanova-Gascón, J.; Martín-Gil, J.; Martín-Ramos, P. Helichrysum stoechas (L.) Moench Inflorescence Extract for Tomato Disease Management. Molecules 2023, 28, 5861. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28155861.Eva Sanchez HernandezSánchez-Hernández, E.; González-García, V.; Palacio-Bielsa, A.; Casanova-Gascón, J.; Navas-Gracia, L.M.; Martín-Gil, J.; Martín-Ramos, P. Phytochemical Constituents and Antimicrobial Activity of Euphorbia serrata L. Extracts for Borago officinalis L. Crop Protection. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 652. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae9060652Eva Sanchez HernandezBuzón-Durán, L.; Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Martín-Ramos, P.; Navas-Gracia, L.M.; García-González, M.C.; Oliveira, R.; Martín-Gil, J. Silene uniflora Extracts for Strawberry Postharvest Protection. Plants 2023, 12, 1846. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12091846.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Balduque-Gil, J.; Lacueva-Pérez, F.J.; Labata-Lezaun, G.; del-Hoyo-Alonso, R.; Ilarri, S.; Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Martín-Ramos, P.; Barriuso-Vargas, J.J. Big Data and Machine Learning to Improve European Grapevine Moth (Lobesia botrana) Predictions. Plants 2023, 12, 633. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12030633.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Sánchez-Hernández, E.; González-García, V.; Casanova-Gascón, J.; Barriuso-Vargas, J.J.; Balduque-Gil, J.; Lorenzo-Vidal, B.; Martín-Gil, J.; Martín-Ramos, P. Valorization of Quercus suber L. Bark as a Source of Phytochemicals with Antimicrobial Activity against Apple Tree Diseases. Plants 2022, 11, 3415. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11243415.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Langa-Lomba, N.; Grimplet, J.; Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Martín-Ramos, P.; Casanova-Gascón, J.; Julián-Lagunas, C.; González-García, V. Metagenomic Study of Fungal Microbial Communities in Two PDO Somontano Vineyards (Huesca, Spain): Effects of Age, Plant Genotype, and Initial Phytosanitary Status on the Priming and Selection of their Associated Microorganisms. Plants 2023, 12, 2251. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12122251.Eva Sanchez HernandezBuzón-Durán, L.; Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Sánchez-Báscones, M.; García-González, M.C.; Hernández-Navarro, S.; Correa-Guimarães, A.; Martín-Ramos, P. A Coating Based on Bioactive Compounds from Streptomyces spp. and Chitosan Oligomers to Control Botrytis cinerea Preserves the Quality and Improves the Shelf Life of Table Grapes. Plants 2023, 12, 577. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12030577.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Ayuda-Durán, B.; Sánchez-Hernández, E.; González-Manzano, S.; Santos-Buelga, C.; y Ana M. González-Paramás. The effects of polyphenols against oxidative stress in Caenorhabditis elegans are determined by coexisting bacteria. Front. Nutr. 2022, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.989427.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Sánchez-Hernández, E.; González-García, V.; Palacio-Bielsa, A.; Lorenzo-Vidal, B.; Buzón-Durán, L.; Martín-Gil, J.; Martín-Ramos, P. Antibacterial Activity of Ginkgo biloba Extracts against Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, Pseudomonas spp., and Xanthomonas vesicatoria. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 461. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae9040461.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Teixeira, A.; Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Noversa, J.; Cunha, A.; Cortez, I.; Marques, G.; Martín-Ramos, P.; Oliveira, R. Antifungal Activity of Plant Waste Extracts against Phytopathogenic Fungi: Allium sativum Peels Extract as a Promising Product Targeting the Fungal Plasma Membrane and Cell Wall. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 136. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae9020136.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Balduque-Gil, J.; González-García, V.; Barriuso-Vargas, J.J.; Casanova-Gascón, J.; Martín-Gil, J.; Martín-Ramos, P. Phytochemical Profiling of Sambucus nigra L. Flower and Leaf Extracts and Their Antimicrobial Potential against Almond Tree Pathogens. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 1154. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24021154.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Balduque-Gil, J.; Barriuso-Vargas, J.J.; Casanova-Gascón, J.; González-García, V.; Cuchí-Oterino, J.A.; Lorenzo-Vidal, B.; Martín-Gil, J.; Martín-Ramos, P. Holm Oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.) Bark Aqueous Ammonia Extract for the Control of Invasive Forest Pathogens. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 11882. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms231911882.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Sánchez-Hernández, E.; González-García, V.; Correa-Guimarães, A.; Casanova-Gascón, J.; Martín-Gil, J.; Martín-Ramos, P. Phytochemical Profile and Activity against Fusarium Species of Tamarix gallica Bark Aqueous Ammonia Extract. Agronomy 2023, 13, 496. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13020496.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Santiago-Aliste, A.; Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Langa-Lomba, N.; González-García, V.; Casanova-Gascón, J.; Martín-Gil, J.; Martín-Ramos, P. Multifunctional Nanocarriers Based on Chitosan Oligomers and Graphitic Carbon Nitride Assembly. Materials 2022, 15, 8981. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15248981.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Santiago-Aliste, A.; Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Andrés-Juan, C.; Chamorro-Posada, P.; Antorrena, G.; Martín-Gil, J.; Martín-Ramos, P. F,O,S-Codoped Graphitic Carbon Nitride as an Efficient Photocatalyst for the Synthesis of Benzoxazoles and Benzimidazoles. Catalysts 2023, 13, 385. https://doi.org/10.3390/catal13020385.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Sánchez-Hernández, E.; Teixeira, A.; Pereira, C.; Cruz, A.; Martín-Gil, J.; Oliveira, R.; Martín-Ramos, P. Chemical Constituents and Antimicrobial Activity of a Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis.) P. Karst. Aqueous Ammonia Extract. Plants 2023, 12, 2271. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12122271.Eva Sanchez HernandezSánchez-Hernández, E.; Martín-Ramos, P.; Navas-Gracia, L.M.; Martín-Gil, J.; Garcés-Claver, A.; Flores-León, A.; González-García, V. Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd. Flower Hydromethanolic Extract for Cucurbitaceae Fungal Diseases Control. Molecules 2023, 28, 3730. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28093730.Eva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Zoning of Potential Areas for the Production of Oleaginous species in Colombia under Agroforestry SystemsFrancisco Tomatis EstradaLozano-Castellanos, L.F.; Méndez-Vanegas, J.E.; Tomatis, F.; Correa-Guimaraes, A.; Navas-Gracia, L.M. Zoning of Potential Areas for the Production of Oleaginous species in Colombia under Agroforestry Systems. Agriculture 2023, 13, 601,1-14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ agriculture13030601 Urban Gardening in a Changing Climate: A Review of Effects, Responses and Adaptation Capacities for CitiesFrancisco Tomatis EstradaTomatis, F.; Egerer, M.; Correa-Guimaraes, A.; Navas-Gracia, L.M. Urban Gardening in a Changing Climate: A Review of Effects, Responses and Adaptation Capacities for Cities. Published: 20 February 2023. Agriculture 2023, 13, 502, 1-18. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13020502 Publicación en revista Tecnifood Nº 134,Plant based: revolución verde. octubre 2022Gabriela Da Conceiçao Ribeiro Esperança"Energy and Nutrients from Apple Waste Using Anaerobic Digestion and Membrane Technology"Isabel Gonzalez GarciaGonzález-García, I., Riaño B., Molinuevo-Salces B., García-González M. C. 2022. Energy and Nutrients from Apple Waste Using Anaerobic Digestion and Membrane Technology Membranes 12, 9: 897. https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes12090897 Índice de impacto JCR Q1 Valorization of apple pomaces for biofuel production: a biorefinery approachIsabel Gonzalez GarciaLa doctoranda es COAUTORA: B. Molinuevo-Salces, B. Riaño, M. Hijosa-Valsero, I. González-García, A.I. Paniagua-García, D. Hernández, J. Garita-Cambronero, R. Díez-Antolínez, M.C. García-González. 2020. Valorization of apple pomaces for biofuel production: a biorefinery approach Biomass & Bioenergy, 142, 105785, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2020.105785 Indice de Impacto JCR Q1 "A novel approach for nutrients recovery from municipal waste as biofertilizers by combining electrodialytic and gas permeable membrane technologies"Isabel Gonzalez GarciaLa doctoranda es COAUTORA V. Oliveira, C. Dias-Ferreira, I. González-García, J. Labrincha, C. Horta, M.C. García-González A novel approach for nutrients recovery from municipal waste as biofertilizers by combining electrodialytic and gas permeable membrane technologies Waste Manag., 125, 293-302, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2021.02.055 Indice de Impacto: JCR Q1 "Two-phase nutrient recovery from livestock wastewaters combining novel membrane technologies"Isabel Gonzalez GarciaGonzález-García, I., Oliveira, V., Molinuevo-Salces, B. García-González M. C., Dias-Ferreira, C., Riaño, B. 2022. Two-phase nutrient recovery from livestock wastewaters combining novel membrane technologies. Biomass Conv. Bioref. 12, 45634574. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-022-02546-6 Índice de impacto JCR Q2 Evaluation of Urban Sustainability in Cities of The French Way of Saint James (Camino de Santiago Francés) in Castilla y León according to The Spanish Urban AgendaLuisa Fernanda Lozano CastellanosZoning of Potential Areas for the Production of Oleaginous Species in Colombia under Agroforestry SystemsLuisa Fernanda Lozano CastellanosPublicación científicaMarcelo Gonzalo Lizama VeraInfection of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) by an endophyte fungus(Neotyphodium lolii) decreases the abundance and diversity of predators and parasitoid. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 67(3):e20230012, 2023 Publicación científicaMarcelo Gonzalo Lizama VeraHerbivory Damage Increased VOCs in Wild Relatives of Murtilla Plants Compared to Their First Offspring. Metabolites 2023, 13, 616. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo13050616 Types of Nature-Based Solutions for Water, Their Functions and SuitabilityMaria Gonzalez OrtegaCapítulo de libro en editorial internacional de reconocido prestigio. La restauración del medio natural: una oportunidad para la innovación rural en la vieja práctica de la concentración parcelaria.Oscar Jose Ramirez Del PalacioDaily Estimation of Global Solar Irradiation and Temperatures Using Artificial Neural Networks through the Virtual Weather Station Concept in Castilla and León, SpainOuiam Fatiha BoukhartaMauro, R. R., Vela, A. J., & Ronda, F. (2023). Impact of Starch Concentration on the Pasting and Rheological Properties of Gluten-Free Gels. Effects of Amylose Content and Thermal and Hydration Properties. Foods, 12, 2281.Raul Ricardo MauroMauro, R. R., Vela, A. J., & Ronda, F. (2023). Impact of Starch Concentration on the Pasting and Rheological Properties of Gluten-Free Gels. Effects of Amylose Content and Thermal and Hydration Properties. Foods, 12, 2281. Publicación del artículo "Nematicidal effect of Beauveria species and the mycotoxin beauvericin against pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus" para publicación en la revista "Frontiers in Forests and Global Change" (Section "Pests, Pathogens and Invasions")Tamara Sanchez GomezSánchez-Gómez T, Harte SJ, Zamora P, Bareyre M, Díez JJ, Herrero B, Niño-Sánchez J and Martín-García J (2023) Nematicidal effect of Beauveria species and the mycotoxin beauvericin against pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Front. For. Glob. Change 6:1229456. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2023.1229456 Development of a fermented plant-based beverage from discarded bread flourTeresa Sigüenza Andres2021/2022Bark Extract of Uncaria tomentosa L. for the Control of Strawberry PhytopathogensAlberto Santiago AlisteLigninChitosan Nanocarriers for the Delivery of Bioactive Natural Products against Wood-Decay PhytopathogensAlberto Santiago AlistePublicacion en la revista FoodsAloisa Gilda DeriuUrban Agriculture Digital Planning for the European Union Green DealAna Maria Bartolome SualdeaDigital transformation in the context of European Union Green Deal Publicación en revista Journal of cereal ScienceAngel Luis Gutierrez De la FuentePartipación como uno de los autores en una publicación para la revista foods (MDPI)Angel Luis Gutierrez De la FuentePublicación "Techno-functional and gelling properties of Acha (Fonio) (Digitaria exilis stapf) flour: A study of its potential as a new gluten-free starch source in industrial applications"Antonio José Vela CoronaPublicación en el libro de abstracts del XI Congreso Nacional CyTA-CESIA de la Univseridad de Zaragoza, de dos trabajos tipo póster con código ID 04702 y código ID 04703Carlos Martin LoberaPublicación de dos trabajos tipo póster en libro de actas - ID 04702: Protocolo de elaboración de cerveza con pan como producto amiláceo adjunto - ID 04703: Estudio comparativo sensorial entre cervezas artesanales Ale elaboradas con diferentes tipos de pan Título: Rutin-stevioside and related conjugates for potential control of grapevine trunk diseases. Laura BUZÓN-DURÁN, Natalia LANGA-LOMBA, Vicente GONZÁLEZ-GARCÍA, José CASANOVA-GASCÓN, Eva SÁNCHEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Jesús MARTÍN-GIL, Pablo MARTÍN-RAMOS. Phytopathologia Mediter-ranea 61(1): 65-77. doi: 10.36253/phy-to-13108.Eva Sanchez HernandezDwarf Pomegranate (Punica granatum L. var. nana): Source of 5-HMF and Bioactive Compounds with Applications in the Protection of Woody CropsEva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Título: LigninChitosan Nanocarriers for the Delivery of Bioactive Natural Products against Wood-Decay PhytopathogensEva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Título: Antifungal Activity of Methylxanthines against Grapevine Trunk Diseases. Eva Sánchez-Hernández,Celia Andrés-Juan, Laura Buzón-Durán, Adriana Correa-Guimaraes, Jesús Martín-Gil and Pablo Martín-Ramos. Agronomy 2022, 12, 885. DOI: 10.3390/agronomy12040885.Eva Sanchez HernandezTítulo: Physicochemical Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity against Erwinia amylovora, Erwinia vitivora, and Diplodia seriata of a Light Purple Hibiscus syriacus L. CultivarEva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR -Título: Bark Extract of Uncaria tomentosa L. for the Control of Strawberry Phytopathogens -Autor/es: Eva Sánchez-Hernández; Pablo Martín-Ramos; Jesús Martín-Gil; Alberto Santiago-Aliste; Salvador Hernández-Navarro; Rui Oliveira; Vicente González-García -Revista: Horticulturae -Volumen: 8(8)-DOI: 10.3390/horticulturae8080672.Eva Sanchez HernandezChitosan-Based Bioactive Formulations for the Control of Powdery Mildew in ViticultureEva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR -Título: VALORIZACIÓN DE LOS FITOQUÍMICOS DE LA CORTEZA DE QUERCUS ILEX L. SUBSP. BALLOTA DE LAS DEHESAS ZAMORANAS DE LOS ARRIBES DEL DUERO -Autor/es: Eva Sánchez-Hernández; Pablo Martín-Ramos; Laura Buzón-Durán; Belén Lorenzo-Vidal; Jesús Martín-Gil. Anuario 2021. Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos Florian de Ocampo, ISSN: 0213-82-12, Vol. 36 - 2021.Eva Sanchez HernandezTítulo: Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of a Halophyte from the Asturian Coast (Spain): Limonium binervosum (G.E.Sm.) C.E.SalmonEva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR Publicación en revista Forests 13. 2022 tercera. Q1Fernando César Sepliarsky MinadeoPublicación tercer paper Q1 Revista forests Publicación del artículo "Evaluation of Urban Sustainability in Cities of The French Way of Saint James (Camino de Santiago Francés) in Castilla y León according to the Spanish Urban Agenda" en la revista Sustainability (an Open Acess Journal by MDPI). Sustainability 2022, Volume 14, Issue 15, 9164. Tomatis, Francisco. Doctorado en Ciencia e Ingenieria Agroalimentarias y de Biosistemas . En: Sustainability, 2022, v.21, Volume 14, Issue 15, 9164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su14159164Francisco Tomatis EstradaImproved anaerobic digestion of swine manure by simultaneous ammonia recovery using gas-permeable membranesIsabel Gonzalez GarciaDecember 2020 Water Research 190(10):116789 DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2020.116789 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF A MEMBRANE-BASED TECHNOLOGY FOR LIVESTOCK WASTEWATER TREATMENT WITH NUTRIENT RECOVERYIsabel Gonzalez GarciaJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Volume 10, Issue 2, April 2022, 107246 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2022.107246 Autor de Artículo, JCR (Q1) Bosques, 2022, 13 (2), 285; https://doi.org/10.3390/f13020285 - 10 de febrero de 2022 " Carbon Sequestration in Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) Plantations under the EU Afforestation Program in Southern Spain Using Low-Density Aerial Laser Scanning (ALS) Data"LUIS QUINTOArtículo Publicado, Bosques 2022, 13 (2), 285; JCR-Q1 (Silvicultura), https://doi.org/10.3390/f13020285 - 10 de febrero de 2022. Titulado "Carbon Sequestration in Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) Plantations under the EU Afforestation Program in Southern Spain Using Low-Density Aerial Laser Scanning (ALS) Data" Factor de Impacto: 2.634 (2020) ; Factor de impacto de 5 años: 2.804 (2020) Articulo Revista AgriculturaMarcelo Gonzalo Lizama VeraArtículo Revista Agropecuaria "Agricultura" N°1055 Noviembre 2021. "Estrategias de Control para la Mosca de las Alas Manchadas Drosophila suzukii". Publicación científica en revista AgronomyMaria Soto HerranzPublicación científica en revista MembranesMaria Soto HerranzPublicación en revista científica MembranesMaria Soto HerranzPublicación científica en revista MembranesMaria Soto HerranzPublicación revista divulgación Panorama panadero: "Consumo de productos integrales y nuevas oportunidades"María Franco MarcosPublicación revista divulgación Panorama panadero del articulo titulado: "Consumo de productos integrales y nuevas oportunidades" Article Foods: Assessing acerola powder as substitute for ascorbic acid as a bread improverMaría Franco MarcosPublicación en revista Foods: Assessing acerola powder as substitute for ascorbic acid as a bread improver FABIOLA DE PALENCIA, UN PAN CON MARCA DE GARANTÍA.María Franco MarcosARTÍCULO DIVULGATIVO SOBRE HISTORIA, EVOLUCIÓN Y ELABORACIÓN DE LA "FABIOLA DE PALENCIA".PUBLICA DE EN LA REVISTA: P.A.N. Nº 12. https://revistapan.com/producto/revista-pan-no-12-otono-2021/ Article foods: Psyllium improves the nutritional and sensory quality of whole grain breadsMaría Franco MarcosPublicación en la revista Foods del artículo titulado: "Psyllium improves the nutritional and sensory quality of whole grain breads" Assessment of land consolidation processes from an environ-mental approach. Considerations related to the type of inter-vention and the structure of farmsOscar Jose Ramirez Del PalacioEvaluation of urban sustainability in cities of The French Way of Saint James (Camino de Santiago Francés) in Castilla y León according to the Spanish Urban AgendaOuiam Fatiha BoukhartaEffects of particle size in wasted bread flour propertiesPriscila Guerra De OliveiraEffects of adding chickpea and chestnut flours to layer cakesPriscila Guerra De OliveiraWaste Bread as Main Ingredient for Cookie ElaborationPriscila Guerra De OliveiraWasted bread flour as a novel ingredient in cake makingPriscila Guerra De OliveiraPublicación en la Revista FrontiersRAQUEL MARTINEZ PEÑATítulo: "Source-Sink Dynamics in Field-Grown Durum Wheat Under Contrasting Nitrogen Supplies: Key Role of Non-Foliar Organs During Grain Filling." doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.869680 Aceptado el 31 de Marzo del 2022. Nitrogen influenced biomolecular changes on Physalis L. species studied using 2DCOS spectral analysis coupled with chemometric and Receiver operation characteristics analysisRomeu Da Silva LeiteNitric oxide improves gas exchange and growth in Physalis angulata plants under water deficitRomeu Da Silva LeiteChemical priming agents controlling drought stress in Physalis angulata plants.Romeu Da Silva LeiteUse of ATR-FTIR spectroscopy for analysis of water deficit tolerance in Physalis peruviana LRomeu Da Silva LeiteOptimization of a simultaneous enzymatic hydrolysis to obtain a high-glucose slurry from bread wasteTeresa Sigüenza AndresArticulo publicado en revista Foods. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11121793 2020/2021Publicación en la revista del Fefricale, acerca de la legislación y uso de insectos en alimentación animal.ANGEL RAMOS MARTÍNEZImpact of high-intensity ultrasound waves on structural, functional, thermal and rheological properties of rice flour and its biopolymers structural featuresAntonio José Vela Coronajavascript:void(0); Low-frequency ultrasonication modulates the impact of annealing on physicochemical and functional properties of rice flourAntonio José Vela Corona-Título: Activity of Anthracenediones and Flavoring Phenols in Hydromethanolic Extracts of Rubia tinctorum against Grapevine Phytopathogenic FungiEva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR. Título: Antifungal Activity against Botryosphaeriaceae Fungi of the Hydro-Methanolic Extract of Silybum marianum Capitula Conjugated with SteviosideEva Sanchez HernandezRevista Q1 JCR. -Título: Physicochemical Characterization of Crithmum maritimum L. and Daucus carota subsp. gummifer (Syme) Hook.fil. and Their Antimicrobial Activity against Apple Tree and Grapevine Phytopathogens -Autor/es: Eva Sánchez Hernández; Laura Buzón Durán; Celia Andrés Juan; Belén Lorenzo Vidal; Jesús Martín Gil; Pablo Martín Ramos -Revista: Agronomy-Basel -Volumen: 11(5) -DOI: 10.3390/agronomy11050886Eva Sanchez HernandezDistinción como artículo de portada (cover story) del número de mayo, de entre 207 artículos (https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/11/5) -Título: Assessment of Conjugate Complexes of Chitosan and Urtica dioica or Equisetum arvense Extracts for the Control of Grapevine Trunk Pathogens -Autor/es: Natalia Langa-Lomba; Laura Buzón Durán; Pablo Martín-Ramos; José Casanova-Gascón; Jesús Martín Gil; Eva Sánchez-Hernández; Vicente González-García -Revista: Agronomy-Basel -Volumen: 11(5) -DOI: 10.3390/agronomy11050976Eva Sanchez HernandezPublicación de Artículo: La provisión de agua potable con gestión municipal en San Justo (Santa Fe, Argentina): crónica de esfuerzos y dificultades en momentos de incertidumbreFrancisco Tomatis EstradaLa provisión de agua potable con gestión municipal en San Justo (Santa Fe, Argentina): crónica de esfuerzos y dificultades en momentos de incertidumbre. Revista Documentos y Aportes en Administración Pública y Gestión Estatal, perteneciente a la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina. ISSN: 1666-4124. ISSN-e: 1851-3727. Periodicidad: Semestral. vol. 21, núm. 35, 2021. Assessment of Conjugate Complexes of Chitosan and Urtica dioica or Equisetum arvense Extracts for the Control of Grapevine Trunk PathogensLaura Buzon DuranPhysicochemical Characterization of Crithmum maritimum L. and Daucus carota subsp. gummifer (Syme) Hook.fil. and Their Antimicrobial Activity against Apple Tree and Grapevine PhytopathogensLaura Buzon DuranOn the Applicability of Chitosan Oligomers-Amino Acid Conjugate Complexes as Eco-Friendly Fungicides against Grapevine Trunk PathogensLaura Buzon DuranPrimer autor de dos capítulos del Libro titulado "Semillas de Especies Forestales"Siendo : - Swietenia macrophylla king (Meliaceae) y -Tababebuia rosea (Bertol) (Bignonaceae). Ambos capítulos como parte del libro digital gratuito. Editado en la División de Ciencias Forestales de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, en México, su primera edición 20 de abril de 2021.LUIS QUINTOPrimer autor de dos capítulos del Libro titulado "Semillas de Especies Forestales" Siendo : - Swietenia macrophylla king (Meliaceae) y -Tababebuia rosea (Bertol) (Bignonaceae). Ambos capítulos como parte del libro digital gratuito. Editado en la División de Ciencias Forestales de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, en México, su primera edición 20 de abril de 2021. Artículo Base de indexación JCR. (Año 2020) (Q1) New Forests. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-020-09788-0.LUIS QUINTOPublicación Artículo Titulado: "The current situation and future perspectives of Quercus ilex and Pinus halepensis aforestation on agricultural land in Spain under climate change scenarios" Springer Nature. Physical Properties of Flours Obtained from Wasted Bread Crusts and CrumbsPriscila Guerra De OliveiraUniversity gardens for sustainable citizenship: assessing the impacts of garden-based learning on environmental and food education at Spanish higher educationRafael Suárez LópezPercepciones y aprendizajes en un huerto educativo en Educación PrimariaRafael Suárez LópezHow is sustainability addressed in primary and secondary education curricula' Assessing the cases of Spain and PortugalRafael Suárez López¿Puede la tapioca mejorar la calidad de los panes sin gluten'Teresa Sigüenza AndresPublicado en la revista LWT- Food Science and Technology 2019/2020Publicación indexada sobre modelos de recuperación de la agricultura urbanaAna Maria Bartolome SualdeaProtein and lipid enrichment of quinoa (cv. Titicaca) by dry fractionation. Techno-functional, thermal and rheological properties of milling fractionsAntonio José Vela CoronaAceptado el 13 de febrero de 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.105770 Bioenergy on Islands: An Environmental Comparison of Continental Palm Oil vs. Local Waste Cooking Oil for Electricity GenerationCHRISTIAN RENE PARRA MENESESPaper Received: 15 May 2020; Accepted: 27 May 2020; Published: 30 May 2020 Current Status of Bioenergy in EcuadorCHRISTIAN RENE PARRA MENESESPaper AGRO-ECOLOGICAL ZONING AND ENERGY POTENTIAL FOR SECOND GENERATION ENERGY CROPS IN THE CONTINENTAL ECUADOR.CHRISTIAN RENE PARRA MENESESPublicación de Paper Modelling of impact falling ball test response on solid and engineered wood flooring of two Eucalyptus species.Fernando César Sepliarsky MinadeoRedacción y Publicación de segundo paper. Modelización del test de impacto de bola en parquet macizo y multicapa de dos especies de Eucalyptus. Antifungal Activity against Fusarium culmorum of Stevioside, Silybum marianum Seed Extracts, and Their Conjugate ComplexesLaura Buzon DuranBuzón-Durán, L.; Martín-Gil, J.; Ramos-Sánchez, M.C.; Pérez-Lebeña, E.; Marcos-Robles, J.L.; Fombellida-Villafruela, Á.; Martín-Ramos, P. Antifungal Activity against Fusarium culmorum of Stevioside, Silybum marianum Seed Extracts, and Their Conjugate Complexes. Antibiotics 2020, 9, 440. ISSN 2079-6382 Disponible en internet en: https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics9080440 Effect of Sodium Hypochlorite and Benzalkonium Chloride on the Structural Parameters of the Biofilms Formed by Ten Salmonella enterica SerotypesLaura Buzon DuranEste artículo científico no va incluido en la tesis ya que forma parte de una colaboración con los directores de la primera tesis doctoral In Vitro Antifungal Activity of Chitosan Polyphenol Conjugates against Phytophthora cinnamomiLaura Buzon DuranMatei, P.M.; Buzón-Durán, L.; Pérez-Lebeña, E.; Martín-Gil, J.; Iacomi, B.M.; Ramos-Sánchez, M.C.; Martín-Ramos, P. In Vitro Antifungal Activity of Chitosan-Polyphenol Conjugates against Phytophthora cinnamomi. AgriEngineering 2020, 2, 72-77. ISSN 2624-7402 Disponible en Internet en: https://doi.org/10.3390/agriengineering2010005 Influence of psyllium versus xanthan gum in starch propertiesMayara Lopes Da Silva BelórioArtículo sobre la influencia del psyllium en las propiedades del almidón de maíz en comparación con los efectos de la goma xantana. Effect of sprouting time on dough and cookie properties.Mayara Lopes Da Silva BelórioArtículo sobre las propiedades de harina de trigo germinado, con distintos parámetros de germinación, y su uso en la elaboración de galletas. Psyllium as a fat replacer in layer cakes: batter characteristics and cake qualityMayara Lopes Da Silva BelórioArtículo sobre el uso de una mezcla de psyllium y agua como sustitutos de la grasa en la elaboración de bizcochos. 2018/2019Evaluation of StarchProtein Interactions as a Function of pHANGELA BRAVO NUÑEZEvaluation of StarchProtein Interactions as a Function of pH Emulsification properties of garlic aqueous extractANGELA BRAVO NUÑEZDOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2019.02.029 Assessing the Importance of Protein Interactions and Hydration Levelon Protein-Enriched Gluten-Free Breads: a Novel ApproachANGELA BRAVO NUÑEZhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-019-02258-2 Physically and chemically modified starches as texturisers of low-fat milk gelsANGELA BRAVO NUÑEZDOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2019.01.007 Monoalgal and mixed algal cultures discrimination by using an artificial neural networkBLAS MANUEL FRANCO ORTELLADOMonoalgal and mixed algal cultures discrimination by using an artificial neural network, publicación en la revista indexada Algal Research (Q1). Factor de impacto 3.75 (en 2017). Submisión de articulo a Revista indexada EnergiesCHRISTIAN RENE PARRA MENESESUna vez terminadas las fases de investigación los resultados fieron recogidos en el articulo que fué enviado para consideración del Journal Q1 energies Articulo "Environmental and economic performance of electricity generated from biomass in islands: local waste cooking oil vs continental palm oil."enviado a Journal" sustainable energyCHRISTIAN RENE PARRA MENESESPublicación bajo revisión Paper borrador Comparative LCA of electricity produced in Galapagos from palm oil vs. a circular economy system based on waste cooking oilCHRISTIAN RENE PARRA MENESESDocumento borrador , los resultados delas mediciones de emisiones en termogeneración serán integradas posteriormente. Aceptación de Artículo en Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad del ZuliaDeiyali Angélica Carpio PachecoArtículo sobre las realidades, evolución y perspectivas mundiales de la Naturación UrbanaFernando Barriuso CuadradoArtículo de revisión sobre los beneficios de la Naturación UrbanaFernando Barriuso CuadradoChitosan-Based Coatings to Prevent the Decay of Populus spp. Wood Caused by Trametes VersicolorIOSODY SILVA CASTROPublicación de resultados Application of Bioactive Coatings Based on Chitosan and Propolis for Pinus spp. Protection against Fusarium circinatumIOSODY SILVA CASTROPublicación de resultados de la investigación. Publicación del artículo "Visual and machine grading of small diameter machined round Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii wood from mature Spanish forests" en la revista indexada "Materials and Structures".JOSE LUIS VILLANUEVA HERNANDEZEffects of Protonation, Hydroxylamination and Hydrazination of g-C3N4 on the Performance of Matrimid®/g-C3N4 MembranesMaria Soto HerranzEect of the Type of Gas-Permeable Membrane in Ammonia Recovery from AirMaria Soto HerranzPublicación del artículo "Visual grading criteria for Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carr.) structural timber from Spain" en la revista indexada "Journal of Forestry Research"María José Barriola BaraibarPublicación de artículo en revista científica. Influence of flour particle size distribution on the quality of maize gluten-free cookiesMARTA SAHAGÚN CARABAZANutritional and physical characterization of sugar-snap cookies: effect of banana starch in native and molten statesMARTA SAHAGÚN CARABAZAThe effect of different protein addition on the rheological, physical and sensory characteristics of extruded maize-based pureesMARTA SAHAGÚN CARABAZAEvolution of functional, thermal and pasting properties of sprouted whole durum wheat flour with sprouting timeMARTA SAHAGÚN CARABAZAParticle Size and Hydration Properties of Dried Apple Pomace: Effect on Dough Viscoelasticity and Quality of Sugar-Snap CookiesMARTA SAHAGÚN CARABAZAAssessing the Importance of Protein Interactions and Hydration Level on Protein-Enriched Gluten-Free Breads: a Novel ApproachMARTA SAHAGÚN CARABAZAEffect of the particle size of pear pomace on the quality of enriched layer and sponge cakes.Mayara Lopes Da Silva Belório"Effect of the particle size of pear pomace on the quality of enriched layer and sponge cakes." Influence of Flour Particle Size Distribution on the Quality of Maize Gluten-Free CookiesMayara Lopes Da Silva BelórioArticulo de investigación en la calidad de galletas sin gluten. Gluten-Free Breads: The Gap Between Research and Commercial RealityMayara Lopes Da Silva BelórioArtículo de revisión en lo cual se analisa diferentes panes sin gluten comerciales, de todo el mundo. Redacción, revisión y envío de artículosPatricia Portero BarahonaPublicación de artículo (Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies)Rafael Suárez López2017/2018Influence of protein source on the characteristics of gluten-free layer cakesANGELA BRAVO NUÑEZIncorporation of gluten and hydrolysed gluten proteins has different effects on dough rheology and cookie characteristicsANGELA BRAVO NUÑEZParticipación como coautor en publicación en revista Food HydrocolloidsAntonio José Vela CoronaPérez-Quirce, S., Caballero, P.A., Vela, A.J., Villanueva, M., Ronda, F. 2018. Impact of yeast and fungi (1 /3)(1 /6)-b-glucan concentrates on viscoelastic behavior and bread making performance of gluten-free rice-based doughs. Food Hydrocolloids, 79, 382 - 390. Revista indexadaCRISTINO ALBERTO GOMEZ LUCIANOCaracterización del Coaching organizativoDeiyali Angélica Carpio PachecoPublicación en JCR Image and positioning on social mediaDeiyali Angélica Carpio PachecoArtículo indexado en grupo 1 ó 2 Sustainable unfired bricks manufacturing from construction and demolition wastes CoautorEDUARDO PRIETO COBOConstruction and Building Materials 167 (2018) 154165 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.02.026 Coautor Sulfate soils stabilization with magnesium-based binders CoautorEDUARDO PRIETO COBOApplied Clay Science 135 (2017) 457464 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2016.10.033 (Q1 desde 2006 a 2017) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169131716304549 Coautor No añadida el curso 2016/2017 Technical and environmental characterization of hydraulic and alkaline binders CoautorEDUARDO PRIETO COBOJournal of Cleaner Production 196 (2018) 1306-1313 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.06.090 (Q1 desde 2007 a 2017. 2018 sin definir todavía) Coautor 4. Estimated and real durability of unfired clay bricks: Determining factors and representativeness of the laboratory tests Estimated and real durability of unfired clay bricks: Determining factors and representativeness of the laboratory tests Coautor No incluida en 2016/2017EDUARDO PRIETO COBOConstruction and Building Materials 131 (Enero 2017) 600605 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.11.107 (Q1 desde 2007 a 2017) Coautor No añadida el curso 2016/2017 Capítulo de libro sobre ahorro y eficiencia energética en la agricultura en alturaFernando Barriuso CuadradoPublicación resultados en medio específico de impacto internacionalFernando César Sepliarsky MinadeoPubliación de ensayos de impacto en parquet multicapa de Eucalyptus globulus Publicación en Revista InternacionalIOSODY SILVA CASTROPublicación de Artículo CONTROL OF COFFEE LEAF RUST BY CHITOSAN OLIGOMERS AND PROPOLIS Publicación finalizada del libro "Plantas de uso tradicional en la Montaña Palentina"JUAN CRUZ PASCUAL GILRevista Brasileira de AgroecologiaLaiana Magalhães De OliveiraNo ha presentado copia de la publicación realizada, ni comentarios de los revisores Revista Brasileira de AgroecologiaLaiana Magalhães De OliveiraESta actividad se repitey no presenta docuemntacion del paper presentado PUBLICACION ARTICULO CIENTIFICO REVISTA SCI:Segundo, C., Román, L., Lobo, M., Martinez, M. M., & Gómez, M. (2017). Ripe banana flour as a source of antioxidants in layer and sponge cakes. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 72(4), 365-371.LAURA ROMÁN RIVASSegundo, C., Román, L., Lobo, M., Martinez, M. M., & Gómez, M. (2017). Ripe banana flour as a source of antioxidants in layer and sponge cakes. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 72(4), 365-371. PUBLICACION ARTICULO CIENTIFICO REVISTA SCI: Pico, J., Antolín, B., Román, L., Gómez, M., & Bernal, J. (2018). Analysis of volatile compounds in gluten-free bread crusts with an optimised and validated SPME-GC/QTOF methodology. Food Research International, 106, 686-695.LAURA ROMÁN RIVASPico, J., Antolín, B., Román, L., Gómez, M., & Bernal, J. (2018). Analysis of volatile compounds in gluten-free bread crusts with an optimised and validated SPME-GC/QTOF methodology. Food Research International, 106, 686-695. PUBLICACION ARTICULO CIENTIFICO EN REVISTA SCI: Román, L., de la Cal, E., Gómez, M., & Martínez, M. M. (2018). Specific ratio of A-to B-type wheat starch granules improves the quality of gluten-free breads: Optimizing dough viscosity and pickering stabilization. Food Hydrocolloids. DOI10.1016/j.foodhyd.2018.04.034LAURA ROMÁN RIVASRomán, L., de la Cal, E., Gómez, M., & Martínez, M. M. (2018). Specific ratio of A-to B-type wheat starch granules improves the quality of gluten-free breads: Optimizing dough viscosity and pickering stabilization. Food Hydrocolloids. DOI10.1016/j.foodhyd.2018.04.034 PUBLICACION ARTICULO CIENTIFICO EN REVISTA SCI: Román, L., Pico, J., Antolín, B., Martinez, M. M., & Gómez, M. (2018). Extruded flour improves batter pick-up, coating crispness and aroma profile. Food Chemistry, 260,106-114LAURA ROMÁN RIVASRomán, L., Pico, J., Antolín, B., Martinez, M. M., & Gómez, M. (2018). Extruded flour improves batter pick-up, coating crispness and aroma profile. Food Chemistry, 260,106-114 PUBLICACION ARTÍCULO EN REVISTA SCI: Román, L., Reguilón, M. P., & Gómez, M. (2018). Physicochemical characteristics of sauce model systems: Influence of particle size and extruded flour source. Journal of Food Engineering, 219, 93-100.LAURA ROMÁN RIVASRomán, L., Reguilón, M. P., & Gómez, M. (2018). Physicochemical characteristics of sauce model systems: Influence of particle size and extruded flour source. Journal of Food Engineering, 219, 93-100. Aplicación del Método Nezahualcóyotl en un Sistema Silvopastoril en LaderaLUIS QUINTOPUBLICACIÓN LIBRO DE RESUMENMARIA AMPARO GILCES REYNAREALIZADO Villanueva, M., De Lamo, B., Harasym, J., Ronda, F. Microwave radiation and protein addition modulate the functionality and gel rheological characteristics of rice and potato starches. Carbohydrate Polymers.MARINA VILLANUEVA BARREROVillanueva, M., Pérez-Quirce, S., Collar, C., Ronda, F. 2018. Impact of acidification and protein fortification on rheological and thermal properties of wheat, corn, potato and tapioca starch-based gluten-free bread dough. LWT Food Science and technology, 96, 446-454MARINA VILLANUEVA BARREROVillanueva, M., Harasym, J., Muñoz, J.M., Ronda, F. Microwave treated-rice flour improves the viscoelastic behavior and the bread-making performance of gluten-free doughs.MARINA VILLANUEVA BARREROAssefa, Y., Emire, S., Villanueva, M., Abebe, W., Ronda, F. 2018. Influence of milling type on tef injera quality. Food Chemistry, 266, 155-160MARINA VILLANUEVA BARREROIncorporation of gluten and hydrolysed gluten proteins has different effects on dough rheology and cookie characteristicsMARTA SAHAGÚN CARABAZAAssessing influence of protein source on characteristics of gluten-free breads optimising their hydration levelMARTA SAHAGÚN CARABAZAInfluence of protein source on the characteristics of gluten-free layer cakesMARTA SAHAGÚN CARABAZAInfluence of protein source on characteristics and quality of gluten-free cookiesMARTA SAHAGÚN CARABAZARedacción, revisión y envío de artículosPatricia Portero BarahonaPublicación artículoRafael Suárez LópezPublicación Artículo (Environmental Education Research)Rafael Suárez LópezEn cumplimiento de las normas de la revista, el archivo adjunto no puede ser publicado en un repositorio, página web o similar de acceso público. Bioestimulantes. Efectos sobre la calidady el rendimiento de un cultivo de colza.Revista TierrasROCÍO LOSADA BURGOSResultados de los campos de ensayo de cereales de la provincia de Palencia, Campaña 2016-2017ROCÍO LOSADA BURGOS2016/2017Publicación sobre la sostenibilidad de la cadena de valor en Dominicana en una revista internacional indexada de calidadCRISTINO ALBERTO GOMEZ LUCIANOHemos sometido un artículo científico a la revista Journal of Cleaner Production sobre la sostenibilidad de la cadena de valor de la Rep. Dominicana. Vulnerabilidad de la cadena de valorCRISTINO ALBERTO GOMEZ LUCIANOPublicación de artículo en revista internacional con índices de calidad de indexación y revisada por paresDeiyali Angélica Carpio PachecoCorrecciones finales de 2 artículos (http://crossmark.crossref.org/dialog/'doi=10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.11.107&domain=pdf y http://crossmark.crossreEDUARDO PRIETO COBOEl contenido concreto de la propuesta de artículo no es divulgable (se adjunta simplemente para valoración de la actividad). Paper: Potential control of forest diseases by solutions of chitosan oligomers, propolis and nanosilverIOSODY SILVA CASTROArtículo científico publicado con resultados del trabajo de investigación de la tesis doctoral. Publicación en curso del libro titulado "PLANTAS DE USO TRADICIONAL EN LA COMARCA DE LA MONTAÑA PALENTINA"JUAN CRUZ PASCUAL GILLibro de etnobotanica de aprox 300 paginas, que resume los usos tradicionales de las plantas en la comarca de la Montaña palentina. Publicación en la revista científica Botany Letters del artículo titulado: Wild food plants gathered in the upper Pisuerga river basin, Palencia, SpaJUAN CRUZ PASCUAL GILhttp://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/3R5M6MGAgUmCfZTgDIwx/full Román, L., Martínez, M. M., Rosell, C. M., & Gómez, M. (2017). Changes in physicochemical properties and in vitro starch digestion of native and extruLAURA ROMÁN RIVASInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 101, 326-333. Román, L., González, A., Espina, T., & Gómez, M. (2017). Degree of roasting of carob flour affecting the properties of gluten-free cakes and cookies.LAURA ROMÁN RIVASMartínez, M. M., Román, L., & Gómez, M. (2018). Implications of hydration depletion in the in vitro starch digestibility of white bread crumb and crusLAURA ROMÁN RIVASRoman, Laura., Gomez, Manuel., Li, Cheng., Hamaker, Bruce R.,& Martinez, Mario M., Biophysical features of cereal endosperm that decrease starch digesLAURA ROMÁN RIVASSegundo, C., Román, L., Gómez, M., & Martínez, M. M. (2017). Mechanically fractionated flour isolated from green bananas (M. cavendishii var. nanica)LAURA ROMÁN RIVASSandra Pérez-Quirce, Pedro A. Caballero, Marina Villanueva, Felicidad Ronda. Impact of yeast and fungi (1-3)(1-6)-ß-glucan concentrates on viscoelastiMARINA VILLANUEVA BARREROMarina Villanueva, Felicidad Ronda, Thomas Moschakis, Athina Lazaridou, Costas G. Biliaderis. Effect of acidification and non-gluten proteins on thermMARINA VILLANUEVA BARREROMarina Villanueva, Joanna Harasym, José María Muñoz, Felicidad Ronda. Microwave absorption capacity of rice flour. Effect of microwave radiation on phMARINA VILLANUEVA BARREROArticulo sobre la estimación y la comparación de la huella de carbono en monocultivo de maíz manejado en dos tipos de laboreo y usando tres fertilizanMaroua DachraouiEl articulo está publicado en la revista Tierra, Agricultura nº254 con la fecha del 25.08.2017 Estimación y comparación de la huella de carbono en monocultivo de maíz manejado en dos tipos de laboreo y usando tres fertilizantes nitrogenados, basMaroua DachraouiEl articulo está publicado en la revista Tierra, Agricultura nº254 con la fecha del 25.08.2017. Vibrational and thermal studies of essential oils derived from Cistus ladanifer and Erica arborea shrubsPAULA CARRION PRIETONatural Product Communications, 2017, 12(1):119-122 Mediterranean shrublands as carbon sinks for Climate Change mitigation: new root to shoot ratiosPAULA CARRION PRIETODOI: 10.1080/17583004.2017.1285178 Aplicación de tecnologías de teledetección al estudio de biomasa forestalPAULA CARRION PRIETODOI: 10.17013/risti.19.61¿76 Se propone publicar la propuesta teórica y metodológica de la tesis en la revista Environmental Education Research, primera en el ranking JCR de EducaRafael Suárez LópezEffect of microwave radiation pretreatment of rice flour on gluten-free breadmaking and molecular size of ß-glucans in the fortified breads.SANDRA PEREZ QUIRCEEffect of ß-glucan molecular weight on rice flour dough rheology, quality parameters of breads and in vitro starch digestibilitySANDRA PEREZ QUIRCE2015/2016Primer autor deL artículo Camino M. Mancebo, Patricia Rodríguez y Manuel Gómez (2016) Assessing the rice flour-starch-protein mixtures to produce glutCAMINO MARTINEZ MANCEBORevisión de dos publicaciones científicas en temas de biomasa y transporte para el Instituto Nacional de Energía Renovable y Eficiencia EnergéticaCHRISTIAN RENE PARRA MENESESSe colaboró como revisor de los artículos científicos que INER enviará a revistas indexadas Revisión solicitada por el Consejo Editorial de la revista APPLIED SOLAR ENERGY, ed. Springer. Artículo enviado, dedicado a la estatificación estáticaFRANCISCO JAVIER DIEZ MORANTESe propone incluir más referencias bibliográficas de la propia revista y de los autores Capítulo de libro: ECO-FRIENDLY NANOCOMPOSITES OF CHITOSAN WITH NATURAL EXTRACS, ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND NANOMETALS.IOSODY SILVA CASTROaceptado, pendiente de publicación en: Wiley-Scrivener colaboración en artículo: SYNTHESIS OF CHITOSAN OLIGOMERS COMPOSITE SYSTEMS AND STUDY OF THEIR ACTIVITY AGAINST BIPOLARIS ORYZAEIOSODY SILVA CASTROPublicado en: Journal of Materials Science and Engineering with Advanced Technology artículo: SILVER NANOAGGREGATES ON CHITOSAN FUNCTIONALIZED REDUCED GRAPHENE OXIDE USING MICROWAVESIOSODY SILVA CASTROpublicado en Radiation Research and Reviews in Materials Science and Chemistry colaboración en artículo: A STUDY OF THE FAR INFRARED SPECTRUM OF N-ACETYL-D-GLUCOSAMINE USING THZ-TDS, FTIR AND SEMI-EMPIRICAL QUANTUM CHEMISTRY METIOSODY SILVA CASTROPublicado en: Journal of Spectroscopy BIO-FERTILIZER BASED ON MICROALGAE: AN ALTERNATIVE TO CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS IN AGRICULTUREJORGE MIÑON MARTINEZWater, Energy & Climate Change Int. Conference WECC-2016, ¿Application of a microalgal suspension to soil stimulates heterotrophic activity and promotes biofilm development¿ a la revista Applied Soil Ecology.JORGE MIÑON MARTINEZL. Román, A. Dura, M.M. Martínez, C. Rosell, M. Gómez (2016) Combination of extrusion and cyclodextrin glucanotransferase treatment to modify wheat flLAURA ROMÁN RIVASN. Dhen, L. Román, I.B. Rejeb, M.M. Martínez, M. Garogouri, M. Gómez (2016) Particle size distribution of soy flour affecting the quality of enrichedLAURA ROMÁN RIVASN. Dhen, I. Ben Rejeb, M.M. Martínez, L. Román , M. Gómez & M. Gargouri (2016) Effect of apricot kernels flour on pasting properties, pastes rheologyLAURA ROMÁN RIVASB. Barcenilla, L. Román, C. Martínez, M.M. Martínez, M. Gómez (2016) Effect of high pressure processing on batters and cakes properties. Innovative FLAURA ROMÁN RIVAS"Inactivation of endogenous rice flour ß-glucanase by microwave radiation and impact on physico-chemical properties of the treated flour". Pérez-QuircMARIA DEL CARMEN MELENDRE FRIASInactivation of Endogenous Rice Flour ß-Glucanase by Microwave Radiation and Impact on Physico-chemical Properties of the Treated FlourSANDRA PEREZ QUIRCESuitability of tef varieties in mixed wheat flour bread matrices: A physico-chemical and nutritional approach. Journal of Cereal ScienceSANDRA PEREZ QUIRCEHe participado en la obtención de algunos de los resultados de este artículo y en su análisis estadístico. Se adjunta la primera página del artículo 2014/2015Primer autor del artículo publicado en la revista científica "LWT - Food Science and Technology 64 (2015) 264-269"CAMINO MARTINEZ MANCEBOArtículo titulado: "Effect of flour properties on the quality characteristics of gluten free sugar-snap cookies" Primer autor del artículo publicado en la revista científica: "Journal of Cereal Science 61 (2015) 8-15"CAMINO MARTINEZ MANCEBOArtículo titulado: "Optimisation of rheological properties of gluten-free doughs with HPMC, psyllium and different levels of water" Primer autor del artículo publicado en la revista científica: Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s13197-015-1769-4CAMINO MARTINEZ MANCEBOTítulo del artículo: "Mixture design of rice flour, maize starch and wheat starch for optimization of gluten free bread quality" Publicación de artículo sobre la cadena de valor de rubros de interés en DominicanaFelix Rafael Rondon DominguezAconsejable revista internacional L. Román, I. Santos, M.M. Martínez, M. Gómez. Effect of extruded wheat flour as a fat replacer on batter characteristics and cake qualityLAURA ROMÁN RIVASRevista SCI Simó, G.; Picón, J.; Román, L.; Gómez, M. Los Rebozados en la Industria Alimentaria III: Nuevos DesarrollosLAURA ROMÁN RIVASRevista no SCI Volumen: 56 Páginas: 4-9 año 2015 Picón, J.; Román, L.; Simó, G.; Gómez, M. Los Rebozados en la Industria Alimentaria I: Conceptos GeneralesLAURA ROMÁN RIVASRevista no SCI Volumen: 55 Páginas: 7-14 año 2015 Román, L.; Simó, G.; Picón, J.; Gómez, M. Los Rebozados en la Industria Alimentaria II: Ingredientes y FrituraLAURA ROMÁN RIVASRevista no SCI Volumen: 55 Páginas: 15-23 año 2015 L. Román, M.M. Martínez, M. Gómez.Assessing of the potential of extruded flour paste as fat replacer in O/W emulsion:A rheological and microstructuralLAURA ROMÁN RIVASRevista SCI Volumen: 74 Páginas: 72-79 año 2015 L. Román, M.M. Martínez, C.M. Rosell, M. Gómez. Effect of microwave treatment on physicochemical properties of maize flourLAURA ROMÁN RIVASRevista SCI Volumen: 8 Páginas: 1330-1335, año 2015 Effect of barley and oat b-glucan concentrates on gluten-free ricebased doughs and bread characteristics. Food HydrocolloidsSANDRA PEREZ QUIRCESe adjunta la primera página del artículo |